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I’m Painting my Front Door Purple

and other recent happenings.

If you’ve been to my house, you may remember that my bricks are of the purple, mauve variety. It’s a bit of an odd color to try and match, especially with exterior stain. So this year, when the finish on our door was getting embarrassing, I started seeking out paint colors that would complement our house in a way that our pumpkin orange door never did. I settled on purple and I think I’m going to like it. I have needed to call on a few friends for reassurance…after all, purple is probably not the first color you think of when it comes to exterior trim. But I think it’ll be nice.

I’ve been running a bit more. That’s been nice and J is a good sport, hanging out in her stroller with her water and whichever doll, toy or book she decides to bring along that day. I’ve been making fun festive cupcakes. I’ve been trying to live life slowly and intentionally and at toddler pace and it’s been nice.

Jessica is Jessica. It’s hard to quantify her sweet little self. I will try but I don’t think I’ll do her any justice. She is a fun girl to be around. She loves to giggle and play. She is apt to take my hand and guide me where she wants me to go or show me what she’d like to do. Oftentimes she’ll do this after I say “Just this one more thing…” She is always patting the chair, ground, wagon seat next to her to invite us to join her in whatever she’s doing. She loves rocks, chalk and bubbles and playing with our neighbors. They come over almost everyday to ask if she can come out and play. She tries to ride their scooters, she shares her toys (most of the time) and she loves to interact with them.

She’s a very empathetic little thing. After having a few owies of her own, she is now quick to point out my owies and make a sad face and show her concern. She’ll point to her own arm or toe, I think she’s trying to tell me she understands. She’s learning more and more words and she’ll use them first and signs second. She’s getting quite good at “bubbles, outside, Ash, Dahdah, Mama, Brandon (neighbor), woof woof, meow, and bye bye.” Today she worked out “ant.” We’ve been playing outside a lot lately and I’m always cautioning her about the fire ants. She pointed to one this morning with a concerned look on her face and told me “Aahn.”

Yesterday she spent so much time giggling. I’d tickle her or surprise her and she’d say “mo, mo” signing “more” and so I’d do it again and she’d just laugh and laugh. When we pray at night she’ll prompt us to say the things she’s grateful for as well, Dah, Mama, Ash, bubbles, whoa-whoa (the name of her baby doll).

I am grateful for her everyday.


Can-do support for modern times with a playful approach & a heaping dose of emotional intelligence.

​The Stress Nanny gives families the language & tools to develop mindfulness in a joyful environment, encouraging successful kids and optimistic, (guilt-free!) parents.

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